Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you

Where can I filter the size and items of my choice?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

I received the wrong goods; what do I do?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

What is the main concern when choosing children's wear?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

Why do I choose devils n angels over other kids' party-wear online stores?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

When will I receive my item, and how can I track delivery?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

Which payment methods are accepted?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

How much will I be charged for shipping?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

I just canceled my orders. When will I receive my refund?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

How long does the shipment order take to deliver?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

If I want to visit your store, where is your store located?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

Do I have to incur additional charges for international shipping?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

What are your refund and return policies?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.

What are your refund and return policies?

Simply navigate to the page where the products are displayed and see the filtering options available. For size filtering, you can look for the "filter by size" option below
the banner. Whereas, if you are looking for specific items for a particular occasion like birthdays or party wear, you can also find the appropriate filtering options on the
left-hand side.